You can finally enjoy the spotlight.
Performance Wellness: Being visible doesn’t have to be painful
Do you struggle before, during, and after a performance/presentation/event, wondering what you could have done differently?
Do you spend more time comparing yourself to others than you spend living your purpose?
Are you tired of feeling ‘less than’, anxious, and stuck?
We understand your unique challenges and needs. You have invested so much in your craft, taken classes,hired coaches, perfected your skills… but something is still not working.
Monti Bianchi Performance Wellness, started by Elisa Monti and Stephanie Bianchi, offers support that is eclectic in nature and integrates a variety of theories and techniques to help you find what works.
We have personally experienced our methods and know their efficacy. As a team, we are able to provide you the best of our combined experience and offer comprehensive and compassionate support.

How can Monti Bianchi Performance Wellness help me?

We are here to help!
Do any of these sound like you?
▢ I feel very nervous when I need to talk in front of people, share my work, sing, or any situation where I am in the spotlight
▢ I often feel stuck and/or paralyzed when preparing for a performance/sharing my work
▢ I obsess over every detail and feel like nothing I do is good enough unless it's 'perfect'
▢ I often think about how others are accomplishing more than me
▢ I often feel hopeless, I have the recurrent thought "what's the point?"
▢ I go through persistent periods of procrastination and lack of creativity, inspiration, and motivation
▢ I am constantly worrying about what other people think of me
▢ When I think of 'eyes on me', I experience heart pounding, sweating, voice shaking, numbness, nausea, light-headedness, or tunnel vision
▢ After sharing my work, I can only think about the 'mistakes' I made and what I would have done differently
▢ I desperately want to connect and feel heard when sharing my work with others, but anxiety and insecurity get in the way
▢ I constantly experience an inner 'critic' that tells me I am not good enough
▢ I used to find joy and fulfillment in creative or professional activities, but now I struggle to
▢ I have interpersonal struggles with colleagues and in personal relationships
▢ I find it hard to effectively communicate what I need to communicate
▢ I am neurodivergent and this adds an extra layer to my struggles
It all begins with a decision.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life feeling like this?

Be part of a community that understands you.

Join the Monti Bianchi Performance Wellness community!
Go from Surviving to Thriving…
There’s one effective way to change what’s not working: by changing the belief system you currently hold about yourself and your creativity.
This means you have to become someone who believes they are valuable and whose voice deserves to be heard.
That’s where Monti Bianchi Performance Wellness comes in. We are creating a community that you can join any time (and anonymously if you wish), to know you are not alone in these struggles and find relief!
Even better, we are building an effective program specifically for creatives that helps you bust through barriers that are keeping you stuck.With Monti Bianchi, you can expect 3 things:
You will change your beliefs about yourself and start thinking like a thriving artist.
You will belong to a safe community that you can come to for support in difficult times.
You will have access to 2 coaches who provide professional feedback when needed.